2016-03 Greenhall Capital Partners Moves Headquarters
Washington, DC – Private investment firm Greenhall Capital Partners, LP today announced that it has moved its global headquarters to 1900 M St. NW, Suite 301 Washington, DC. The move occurred in June 2016, however all contact phone numbers will remain unchanged.
Otis Ofori, Principal of Greenhall Capital, said: “We are excited about the move. This new long-term space will consolidate our staff and bring us to the core of Washington D.C.'s central business district.”
Mr. Ofori went on to say, “The corridor is experiencing massive growth with Rockrose Development and Spitzer Enterprises delivering a world-class Class-A building down the street. We are delighted to be in the heart of that transition.”
* * * * * About Greenhall Capital Partners, LP Greenhall Capital Partners is a private investment fund focused on real estate, special situation credit investing and taking equity positions through managed buyouts, growth capital investments and leveraged recapitalizations in lower middle market companies. We invest in opportunities below $50 million. Greenhall specifically targets sectors in Real Estate, Professional Services, and Information Technology. The firm is headquartered in Washington, DC and maintains an office in New York.